Summer VBS

  1. Vacation Bible School

We invite your child to join us for our 2025 summer Vacation Bible School:

Date: TBD2012 VBS - 10
Time:  TBD

Admission is FREE!

Our Vacation Bible School program is for children age 4 through 8th grade.
We hope that your children will be able to join us this summer!


Our goal is to provide your child w2012 VBS - 5ith a safe environment for them to grow in the knowledge of their Savior, to meet new friends and to enjoy the early days of their summer vacation. We provide Bible-based lessons, music, arts & crafts, recess and refreshments. Our series this year is titled “Kingdom Chronicles.” We will look at the contrast between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the Devil as we study Ephesians Chapter Six.  We will consider examples from the Garden of Eden, King Josiah, King Solomon and Jesus Himself, who is the King of kings.  Please call or e-mail us if you have any questions or if you would like more information.

We hope that we will see you this summer!

Activities2012 VBS - 2

Bible Lessons
Much more!

For More Information

If you would like more information about our summer Vacation Bible School, please call 507-609-0490 or send us an e-mail.

Ready to register? Here are three simple ways you can register your child:

Call: 507-609-0490


We look forward to seeing YOU this summer!